Work With Me
Are you a committed success minded woman who is working way too many hours and wishing you could find another way to step into being the woman you know you have the potential to be?
Are you fed up of looking outside yourself for the answers and getting caught up in comparing yourself to others and feeling like you are coming up short?
Constantly putting everyone else before yourself, becoming distracted, making excuses that you know are not real and finding that no matter how much you try and focus, you get caught up in your to-do list, busy doing nothing and then at the end of the day feel like once again, you didnt do any of the things that you know will make you feel good about yourself.
They can also be the things that if your honest you use as an excuse to hide out and stay playing small, where you can’t really be seen and that means you don’t have to risk being rejected.
When your working on building a business, running a home and looking after family, the first things that go out of the window are the things you WANT to do for yourself.
You know, the things you imagine yourself doing if only you had more time or more money or just MORE.
Then when you do get some time, your list of things that you know will help you be the woman you know you really are inside is so long and your so out of touch with actually doing them that you don’t know where to start.
The things you know that will give you inspiration, a sense of peace, knowing yourself, energy, balance,
You & Me = Harmony
If you know that NOW is the time to take yourself to the next level & gain the freedom to really BE the woman you know you have the potential to be, take the first step to a truly empowered state of being by working with ME.

A special 90 minute session for committed success minded women who are on a hamster wheel and feel trapped, stressed and are wishing they could find another way to step into the woman they know they have the potential to be and yet they get stuck in the thick of self comparison, fear of judgment & are caught up feeling busy, going nowhere fast.